
L'Oréal ready to buyback from Nestlé

The Swiss company is the main shareholder of the leading company in beauty products, together with the Bettercourt family - In 2014 the French group will buy back the 29,3% stake - Nestlé had entered L'Oréal in 1974 at the request of the founders

L'Oréal ready to buyback from Nestlé

Jean-Paul Agon is ready to take back a slice of the pie. The patron of L'Oréal announced that the group is ready to buy the 2012% stake in 29,3 which Nestlé has in French society. “We have the resources to address this opportunity. All options are already on the table."

The proposal comes after the declarations of Peter Brabeck, manager of Nestlé, reported by a Swiss newspaper. Brabeck had hinted that his company would gladly sell his stake in the world leader in beauty products in spring 2014.

Having entered the capital in 1974, at the request of the Bettercourt family, the Swiss giant is the main shareholder of L'Oréal, together with the founders (30,5%). The two parties are bound by a 2004 agreement, renewed in 2009, which provides that in the event of a sale of the shares, each reserves the priority of sale of the shares to the other party.
