
Lodo, ​​both Berlusconi's Fininvest and De Benedetti's Cir lose on the stock market

Strong volatility for Cir shares, which opened positively and then collapsed to -6% and finally stabilized on more contained losses – Black day in Piazza Affari for the premier's companies: in mid-morning Mediaset lost more than 2% – Thump for Mondadori: a free fall that exceeds 5 percentage points.

Lodo, ​​both Berlusconi's Fininvest and De Benedetti's Cir lose on the stock market

With the reopening of the markets, the last act of the battle of Segrate takes place in Piazza Affari. And some trends are surprising. The share of Carlo De Benedetti's Cir opened sharply up, to then veer decisively and even lose more than 6%. By mid-morning the drop had narrowed to just over a percentage drop.

As for the companies owned by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's family, as expected, all the shares travel in negative territory: at 10 Mediaset lost 30% and Mediolanum 2,11%, while the collapse of Mondadori exceeded the 1,06 percentage points.

These are the reflections on the Stock Exchange ruling on the Lodo Mondadori arrived last Saturday. The Court of Appeal sentenced fininvest, the Berlusconi family holding company, to pay a maxi compensation of 560 million euros to De Benedetti's Cir.
