
List Bonino, Tabacci solves the puzzle of signatures

Bruno Tabacci saves the Radicals and solves the problem of signatures for the presentation of the list in the next elections - "Bruno Tabacci's generous and autonomous gesture - commented Emma Bonino - allows us to be present in the elections on 4 March with the same starting blocks".

List Bonino, Tabacci solves the puzzle of signatures

“This morning I brought together the governing bodies of the Democratic Center: I provide the symbol for Emma Bonino's challenge, to recover a condition of freedom, let's consider it a choice of service to democracy". She announced it Bruno Tabacci speaking at the +Europe press conference on signatures.

“Bruno Tabacci's generous and autonomous gesture – commented Bonino – allows us to be present in the elections of 4 March on equal footing with the others in the starting blocks. ONow another scenario opens up compared to the obligation to run alone, but this will increase the strength of adherence of personalities, citizens and lenders to our project".

For the leader of +Europe, that of Tabacci "it is a great service rendered to the country and to all voters. We are committed to this option, to a democratic and federal Europe, to offer the only political novelty of this electoral mass made up of confused and demagogic programmes: our list is the only real novelty of this electoral passage”.

The new axis between Bonino-Tabacci will soon have its natural technical outlet: the agreement must be formalized legally, before a notary, to guarantee the transfer from the Democratic Center to +Europe of the right not to collect signatures to present the symbol at the next political elections.

It is the same mechanism used by Liberi e equal, which with a new symbol has enjoyed the exemption on the signatures that belonged to the founders Mdp and the Italian Left. As will be the +Europe symbol (and not that Democratic Center) to appear on the next ballot papers.

"We place ourselves in the centre-left but for the appearance we will see, we will decide it in an Assembly on 13 January – explained Tabacci on the other hand about the alliances -. It will be a real political confrontation, without prejudices. Nothing has been decided, because we are serious people and we will have to deal with this line".
