
The cultural industry grows, Masters at Ca' Foscari

The "MaSvic" Master in Creative development and management of cultural activities managed by Ca' Foscari Challenge School presents the 2018/19 edition. Registration open until 27 November 2018.

The cultural industry grows, Masters at Ca' Foscari

The sector of cultural and creative industries in Italy, officially recognized by the 2018 Budget Law, has come close to 90 billion euros in turnover (6% of GDP), counting more than 400 companies (data from the Report "I am culture ” – Symbola and Unioncamere). The overall value of the supply chain is growing, the profile of the employed shows an ever greater interdisciplinarity and at the same time also a strong specialization, probably contrasting characteristics that emerge as the only resource to make up for the widespread precariousness among these professions. However, the XXV Annual Report by Istat also highlighted a strong disparity in terms of cultural participation: from 2008 to 2016, the number of citizens who did not participate in cultural activities increased by 3,4%.

The diffusion of culture is a key element for the well-being of a country. Italian cultural assets and activities need not only custody, but also valorisation. Knowing how to conceive, organise, promote and disseminate activities and good practices is the way to create employment and improve contemporary society.

The Masters in Creative Development and Management of Cultural Activities managed by Ca' Foscari Challenge School was created to meet the needs of this market and those entering it. The partnership between the Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Scuola Holden of Turin is aimed at creating a broad educational offer strongly connected to the world of work. It concentrates in ten teaching modules (300 hours of frontal lessons) humanities, management and analysis of the various markets related to this sector, taught by Ca' Foscari teachers and by Holden professors

The program develops in executive mode, with sessions on Thursday and Friday all day and Saturday morning, with an intensive week in Turin, with a strong experiential characterization. In recent editions, short courses have been activated to explore specific topics (art advisory, the art market, the management of foundations). The curricular internship is 350 hours, the research is preceded by a career coaching path with the collaboration of an occupational psychologist to allow each student to analyze their skills and abilities and face the interviews profitably.

In the last five years in Italy, one of the most prominent words has been "creativity": it is in this context that the Masters, now in its fifth edition, begins. As highlighted in the Aesthetics module, the meaning and use of this term is by no means univocal, often resulting in situations of confusion and perhaps denigration of the concept itself. It is also undeniable that a series of epochal changes are already underway (the development of technology, the world of work radically different from twenty years ago, the mobility of people) and that in order to address the possible problems generated by these, but above all proposing effective solutions, resorting to "creativity" very often proves to be the trump card.
Creativity therefore becomes that capacity for vision that allows you to rework existing elements and combine them in different ways, bringing innovation and growth.

For these operations to be successful, the quality of the artistic proposal is essential. Only through study and knowledge is it possible for the CCI worker to develop a critical thinking that allows him to discern truly creative activities from those passed off as such.

Hence the title and composition of the Master, aimed at providing the student with all the elements necessary to fit into this context. The profile of the MaSvic student is that of a person strongly interested in the world of culture (understood in a broad sense as a set of knowledge, skills and artefacts, to be valued and made known); with at least a three-year degree behind them and a little experience in this sector in order to better understand the processes illustrated, with a fall-out also applied, during the year.

Registration is open until 27 November, for information contact the Ca' Foscari Challenge School secretariat on 0412346868 or by writing to
