“Income meter” and “rich meter” are two distinct tools, but both are undergoing a metamorphosis. Of the first - used by the tax authorities to track down tax evaders by comparing spending capacity and declared income - we have already talked about yesterday. The second term, on the other hand, refers to the new Isee (the indicator of the equivalent economic situation), which measures the degree of household well-being.
To calculate it, income, savings and assets are taken into account, putting everything in relation to the size of the family nucleus. The result is essential for calculating the amount owed for social services and tuition fees.
The criteria for calculating the ISEE were rewritten with a decree, the content of which was anticipated on Sunday by the Sole 24 Ore. In particular, the big news comes on the house front: the indicator will in fact have to take into account the higher tax value of real estate produced with the introduction of the much hated Imu (which provides for a revaluation of the cadastral value equal to 60%).
The newspaper also underlines that Isee 2.0 will not only take into consideration income taxed by Irpef, but also those subject to dry coupon and disability pensions.
Result: the new indicator will be more severe than that used up to now, even if not for everyone (for example, unprecedented deductibles are envisaged for families with disabled people).
But it's not over. The new tax base values inflate the bill more on lower value properties. According to the calculations of the Sole 24 ore, a house that was worth 100 euros for the ICI, and consequently worth 160 for the Imu, in which four people live, weighs 9.671 euros on the old Isee, and 14.833 on the new. The increase is 53,4%.