
Redundancies, Fornero: "I hope public-private equality"

In the morning, the Minister of Public Administration affirmed that the draft enabling law on the reform of the labor market for public employees does not contain provisions on disciplinary dismissals - La Fornero insists: "There must be equal treatment between the public and private sectors - The crux of indemnities.

Redundancies, Fornero: "I hope public-private equality"

After the statements made in the morning by Filippo Patroni Griffi on the draft enabling law for the public sector, in which the Minister of Public Administration stated that in the drawing there are no specific provisions on disciplinary dismissals, but that we will have to defer to Parliament on the matter, also spoke on the matter the Minister of Labor Elsa Fornero, reiterating, on the other hand, his own I wish for equal treatment between workers in the private sector and those in the public sector

"In recent days I had already expressed this wish - said Fornero - and it would seem to me to be in conflict with my mandate if I said that things should go differently".

The crux of the matter is what it concerns compensation for licencesi, and who will eventually have to take charge of it. According to Patroni Griffi “if you anticipatede that the manager pays the compensation, we will not have any layoffs. While if this responsibility is not foreseen, at that point Pantalone would pay and this would be borne by the community ". The hope, expressed by both, is, however, that the difficulty in finding a synthesis does not paralyze the search for a functional solution.
