
The former mayor Chiamparino designated to the presidency of the Compagnia San Paolo

The former mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparinmo is preparing to become president of the Compagnia San Paolo, which is the first shareholder of Intesasanpaolo. He was designated by the current mayor of Turin, Piero Fassimno, who also indicated Sister Giuliana Galli as vice-president.

The former mayor Chiamparino designated to the presidency of the Compagnia San Paolo

From mayor of Turin to president of the Compagnia San Paolo: this is the path that awaits the former mayor of the Piedmontese capital Sergio Chiamparino. The current mayor of Turin, Piero Fassino, who is responsible for the top management appointments for the Foundation, designated him also indicating Sister Giuliana Galli as vice president.

Chiamparino will have to leave politics but, as he told Corriere della Sera, "at 60 you can even change your life and I don't mind leaving politics". Chiamparino will replace Angelo Benessia.
