
Letta: "Those who took the money out should know that they should bring it back"

The Prime Minister Enrico Letta, speaking to the employees of the Revenue Agency and Equitalia, argued that in Italy there is too much black economy and that the Government is willing to hunt down those who illegally export capital and to use the proceeds of the fight against tax evasion to reduce taxes

Letta: "Those who took the money out should know that they should bring it back"

"Those who took the money out of Italy must know that it's not like it was 5-10 years ago and that it is better for them to bring the money back and pay what they owe because the international situation no longer allows for coverage as before". This was stated by the Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, speaking to the employees of the Revenue Agency and Equitalia together with the Minister of Economy Fabrizio Saccomanni.

Prime Minister Letta said the government intends to act "with determination" against tax havens and the elusive practices that lead multinationals to move profits to tax-advantageous areas. "We will make every effort to go and recover this money whether it is in Switzerland or in the tax havens of the Atlantic - he continued - It is not possible that so much wealth produced in Italy is taken out without making a contribution to solving the Italian problems".

The proceeds from the fight against tax evasion will all go towards reducing the tax burden.

Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni took the opportunity to announce that Switzerland is determined to collaborate with Italy in the fight against tax evasion.
