
Leopolda, Renzi: counter maneuver to lower taxes and spreads

"This government sends Italy to slam into a wall" says former prime minister Matteo Renzi as he opens the Leopolda and former minister Padoan illustrates the economic counter-maneuver to immediately reduce taxes, halve the spread and regain market confidence - Here are the proposed measures - VIDEO.

Leopolda, Renzi: counter maneuver to lower taxes and spreads

"Stop, we're risking our necks: this government is sending the country crashing into the wall". This is how former premier Matteo Renzi opened the Leopolda 2018, the Florentine kermesse of his supporters that has never been so crowded (8 thousand people), which this year began with an appeal to the Government (without too much hope) to rethink the maneuver before it is too late and with the presentation of a real countermaneuver, illustrated by former minister Pier Carlo Padoan, to halve the spread and lower taxes.

The Renzi-Padoan counter maneuver starts from the objective of reducing Italy's nominal deficit to 2,1% in 2019, 1,8% in 2020 and 1,5% in 2021 and foresees the abolition for 2019 total Irap, the overcoming of the cuts made by this Government to Ace, Ecobonus and Iri, the abolition of the registration tax, the reopening of the Casa Italia project with funds for 4 billion for the hydrogeological sector.

For 2020, the Renzi-Padoan counter maneuver proposes the institution of a universal allowance for children, even for incompetent and self-employed workers.

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“What is most worrying – Padoan argued – is the direction in which the country is heading: the spread, which was 130 before the elections, has reached 340 basis points and there are those in the Government who say that if we reach 400 we'll see what to do. But whoever says so is already finished. Thus an enormous heritage accumulated by previous governments is being squandered, namely the confidence of the markets”.

“Our counter-maneuver, complementary to that of the Democratic Party – Renzi declared in turn – would immediately reduce the spread and lower taxes in the way we have duly indicated. We want to talk to the markets and the government: if they don't listen to us, we will fight in Parliament".

