
Leonardo postpones the IPO of Drs in the USA

According to the defense giant, "the adverse market conditions did not allow for an adequate valuation" of the US subsidiary - The share plummets to -7% in Piazza Affari also due to the lowering of the target price by Equita

Leonardo postpones the IPO of Drs in the USA

Leonardo announces that the US subsidiary Leonardo US Holding has decided to postpone the IPO of Leonardo shares Drsindirectly controlled by the Italian group.

“Despite the interest of investors during the roadshow – reads a note – within the defined price range, adverse market conditions did not allow for an adequate evaluation of Drs”.

DRS "continues to be a fundamental part of Leonardo's business portfolio - continues the note - and an IPO will be re-evaluated when market conditions are favorable and a successful IPO can be achieved with an appropriate valuation of this strategic business . Leonardo continues to fully believe in the prospects of Drs and to support its development within the group”.
