
Emilia launches the Solidarity Income but M5S does not vote for it

The poorest citizens of Emilia Romagna will soon be able to count on solidarity income, a variant corresponding to the better known basic income which represents one of the cornerstones of the 5 Star Movement program at a national level. But paradoxically the pentastellati representatives abstain during the vote.

Emilia launches the Solidarity Income but M5S does not vote for it

The poorest citizens of Emilia Romagna will soon be able to count on solidarity income, a variant corresponding to the better known basic income which represents one of the cornerstones of the 5 Star Movement program at a national level. It is a pity that the pentastellati representatives abstained during the vote in the Regional Council.

Those who meet the requirements to be included in the group of beneficiaries will receive 400 euros a month for one year on condition that they participate in work and social integration programmes. This was established by the Regional Council by launching a provision that will benefit 35 families, including one-person households, with an ISEE equal to or less than 3.000 euros a year. Overall iThe new solidarity income will reach 80 people.

The majority present in the Regional Council proposed and voted for the law, made up of SEL and the Democratic Party, which provided for the allocation of 35 million euros which will add up to the 37 million provided by the State to Emilia Romagna for the "Support of 'Active Inclusion'.

Surprisingly though, the members of the 5 Star Movement present in the council, despite the solidarity income being de facto similar to the basic income supported for years and years by the grillini, have decided to abstain (Forza Italia and Lega Nord voted against). Giulia Gibertoni, councilor of the M5S, stated that the law "is a first step but it will not be enough". However, this "step" was not enough to convince the grillini to vote in favor of the measure, joining the much "hated" PD for once, at least locally.

A decision that has been defined by many as inconsistent with what the Movement has always supported on support for the citizens most in difficulty and which has been compared to the somersaults of the pentastellati on the Italicum. After years of harsh and fiery opposition, in which the electoral law has even been defined as "fascist", the pentastellati are now asking to return to the polls allowing voters to use the same electoral system so criticized over time, confirming the axiom according to which " consistency, in politics, is an overrated virtue.”
