
Timber: ozone wipes out forests and causes damage worth almost 3 billion for Italy

Italy is more exposed than Northern Europe due to higher temperatures – A study published by Nature with Enea researchers brings out the damage. Earth Day today

Timber: ozone wipes out forests and causes damage worth almost 3 billion for Italy

In Italy, ozone pollution has wiped out more than 1% of the forests used to produce timber, causing their economic value to drop by 10%. And the potential damage for the country is really high: we are talking about 870 euros for every hectare that went up in smoke, for a final bill of 2,85 billion euros. The numbers are contained in a study published on Nature Scientific Reports and conducted by a team of ten researchers from Enea, Cnr and the University of Florence, in collaboration with the French satellite services company Argans.

The research also shows that a loss of economic profitability can also lead, in the long run, to a progressive abandonment of the most exposed forest areas, with a series of repercussions that have an impact on ecosystem services.

The costs of reducing greenhouse gases are likely to increase

"Tropospheric ozone is a gaseous pollutant that has negative effects on photosynthesis and, consequently, on the ability of vegetation to absorb carbon dioxide - explains Alessandra De Marco, of the Enea department Sustainability of production and territorial systems - At globally, this could lead to an increase in the cost of reducing greenhouse gases by up to 4,5 trillion dollars by 2100”.

Forests and timber: the differences between the Italian regions

In the publication, Italian forests were examined as a case study because they are more exposed to serious risks from ozone than those of Northern Europe, as the warmer climate stimulates the formation of this gas.

However, within our country, the results were significantly different in the various Italian regions: Sardinia suffered the greatest reduction in the profitable forest area, with a loss of over 10 hectares (-6,2%); followed by Calabria (-5.811 hectares, - 2,5%), Sicily (-3.362 hectares, -3,1%), Tuscany (-2.432 hectares, -0,4%) and Trentino-Alto Adige (-2.319 hectares, - 1,4%). But Liguria (1.229 euros per hectare), Campania (628 euros), Calabria (568 euros) and Lazio (527 euros) suffered the greatest economic losses.

The economic value of timber: turnover and employees

In Europe, the timber sector employs 4,5 million people (2018 data), while in Italy there are over 400 employees in about 87 companies, with a total turnover of about 35 billion dollars, to which are added another 21 billion relating to the furniture sector.

April 22 is Earth Day

The Nature study is published just on the eve of International Mother Earth Day promoted by the UN which is celebrated on April 22nd. The balance with which we arrive at Earth Day is unfortunately not positive but Earth Day Italia with Rai and with the organization One People One Planet have prepared a multimedia marathon to recall all the still open issues of the climate and environmental emergency.

Read also: Pollution: in Italy it costs 1.500 euros per family
