
Stability Law, a ceiling for the sum of pensions and income Pa

It will not be possible to exceed 300 thousand euros - Majority and Government are working on a further specification: the aim is to suspend the payment of golden pensions and large annuities to those who receive a public office for which they are paid - Extended one-year incentives for commercial enterprises in crisis – Stalemate on the Tobin Tax.

Stability Law, a ceiling for the sum of pensions and income Pa

The accumulation of pension and income in the Public Administration cannot exceed 300 euros. This is foreseen by an amendment to the Stability law presented by the Democratic Party and approved in the Budget Committee in the Chamber. The ceiling will also be valid for annuities, but will not affect existing contracts. The majority and the government are then working on a further specification: the aim is to suspend the payment of gold pensions and large annuities to those who receive a public office for which they are paid

On this principle – renamed “Norm Beloved”, named after the former Premier, now a constitutional judge – there are already three different amendments by the Democratic Party which set different thresholds on the amount of the golden pension which would trigger the suspension. Another pending issue is the Tobin tax, on which a bipartisan amendment was presented with the first signature Luigi Bobba (Pd). These are delicate passages which – together with other amendments that are not yet definitive – have forced yet another postponement of the next session of the commission, which was supposed to meet this morning. It is possible that we will not be able to complete the work and the Government will present a maxi-emedaneto in the Chamber, perhaps with a lot of the annexed milleproroghe decree. 

Among the modification proposals already approved in the commission, however, is the one signed by Simonetta Rubinato (Pd) which requires the Government to activate the procedures for attributing differentiated autonomy to the Regions within 60 days of the request. Article 116 of the Constitution (with the reform of Title V of 2001) in fact provides that the Regions with ordinary statutes may ask the State for "further forms and particular conditions of autonomy", concerning both matters of concurrent competence between the State and the Regions, and some matters of exclusive competence of the State (justices of the peace, education, environmental protection). The attribution is sanctioned by a State law approved by the Parliament on the initiative of the Government. 

The Rubinato amendment establishes that "the Government takes action on the initiatives of the Regions presented to the President of the Council of Ministers and to the Minister for Regional Affairs for the purposes of the agreement within 60 days of receipt". This new regulation, the amendment specifies, “applies starting from the initiatives presented before the entry into force of this law in application of the principle of continuity of bodies and functions. In this case, the aforementioned term starts from the entry into force of this law”.

Finally, they were extended by one year incentives for commercial enterprises in crisis, while those for photovoltaic energy they were extended to plants that entered into operation by 2013 and which communicated the commencement of work by 31 July last.
