
The Economist: the ranking of the cities in the world where owning a car costs the most. Rome super expensive

Among the cities analyzed by the Economist, those where motorists have the greatest expenses to bear are: Shanghai in China, São Paulo in Brazil and Delhi in India. Rome is in fourth place worldwide

The Economist: the ranking of the cities in the world where owning a car costs the most. Rome super expensive

Maintaining a car is increasingly the thing for the rich. With the constant increase in the price of petrol and vehicle maintenance costs, motorists (even the most avid ones) are increasingly tempted to leave their cars in the garage and move around with alternative means of transport.

But which are the cities where owning a car costs the most? The Economis has compiled a ranking. And it did so using data collected in recent years by its affiliated company (Economist Intelligence Unit). The graph shows the total cost for the purchase of a car (dark blue bar), which refers to 2010, and the maintenance cost of the vehicle to be incurred in the following three years (light blue bar).

Among the cities analyzed by the Economist, those where motorists have the greatest expenses to bear are: Shanghai in China, São Paulo in Brazil and Delhi in India. Rome is in fourth place and, if you look at the graph, it emerges how high maintenance costs are when compared to the average purchase price of a new car. As regards the first places in the standings, it should be pointed out that these are countries characterized by the growing market for imported branded cars. So this is also what drives up the average price for buying a car.

Attachments: The Economist – Cost of driving
