
The global economy after Brexit, Ruling Companies seminar

"The global economy in the time of negative rates" and after Brexit is the theme of the Summer Seminar promoted by Ruling Companies on 28 June in Milan (Assolombarda Congress Center, Via Pantano 19, 16pm) with the participation of economists and managers first level

The global economy after Brexit, Ruling Companies seminar

Summer Seminar on Economic Perspectives of Ruling Companies on 28 June 2016 in Milan at the Assolombarda Congress Center (via Pantano 9, 15.30pm).

The central theme of the meeting will be "The global economy in times of negative interest rates". Although credit is available and cheap, the recovery remains weak and uncertain almost everywhere. Businesses invest little, consumers are on the run and banks are suffering. What are the reasons for the stagnation? What to do to get out? And what effects will Brexit have on everything?


The baseline scenario will be illustrated by Adrian Cooper, CEO, Oxford Economics and by Fabio Sdogati, Professor of International Economics, Politecnico di Milano.

Central theme of the seminar: research: priorities, concerns and objectives of the world's CEOs with Michele Parisatto, Chief Executive Officer, KPMG.  

Multinationals and Italy: has something changed? Stefano Venturi, Chief Executive Officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Italy; President, American Chamber of Commerce in Italy

After the referendum in Great Britain: what prospects for the economy and finance? Fabio Arpe, CEO, Arpe Group will talk about it Alberto Foà, President, AcomeA SGR Danilo Taino, Correspondent from Germany and Columnist, Corriere della Sera.

Keynote Speaker Flavio Valeri, President, Deutsche Bank. 

FOCUS of the seminar: the economic and financial world is once again on the roller coaster of hopes and fears, in a context of volatility that recalls the worst days of the 2008 crisis. Brexit torments heads of state and central banks, but also companies, banks and ordinary citizens. If Great Britain also remains in the EU, nothing will be the same after the vote. In any case, the great uncertainties are linked to the sluggish phase of the economy in all the main areas. Deflation and negative rates seem hard to beat. Despite the fact that interest rates are at historic lows, or even negative, in all the major countries of the world and credit is widely available, the economic recovery remains weak and uncertain almost everywhere. A better prospect of growth cannot come only from the continuation of an accommodating monetary policy: more expansive fiscal policies are now indispensable, the limit of which, however, is given by the often critical situation of public debts. In this context, companies invest little, waiting for clearer signals from the market, which are struggling to arrive because consumers remain on the run, due to marked economic insecurity linked to high unemployment rates and stagnant, if not declining, incomes. The picture for banks also remains volatile and uncertain, above all due to a rapidly evolving business model and the persistence of severe non-performing loans linked to the crisis years. Important representatives of the business world, banks, consultancy and institutions will take part in the Summer Seminar of The Ruling Companies to discuss these issues.
