
Utilities and the development decree: the goal is to strengthen liberalization and privatisation

In the draft decree under consideration by the government, a substantial part would be dedicated to the reform of local public services. This is what emerges from the rumors circulated late yesterday evening. The Anci, through the mouth of its president Delrio, has however flatly rejected the hypothesis of putting shares of the former municipal companies on the market.

Utilities and the development decree: the goal is to strengthen liberalization and privatisation

In the draft of the development decree being examined by the government, a substantial part is dedicated to the reform of local public services. This is what emerges from the rumors circulated late yesterday evening. The primary objective is to strengthen the liberalization and privatization of local public services, through the adoption of a "total liberalization of economic activities carried out in an entrepreneurial and professional form". These measures serve to materialize the objectives set by the letter sent by the Italian government to the ECB last week.

However, the executive's strategy did not find positive feedback from the National Association of Italian Municipalities (Anci). This morning the president Graziano Delrio, in relation to the hypothesis of putting shares of the former municipal companies on the market, was peremptory. "We are waiting to understand what is in the maxi-amendment, but if the government confirms this line we will appeal to the Consulta". According to Delrio, in fact, the result would be that of “throwing an enormous public heritage overboard. On the other hand, we had already detected profiles of unconstitutionality in article 4 of the summer maneuver which intervened on the same issue”. The president of Anci then acknowledged that "there is a debt in the municipalities, but we want to work to reduce it and we don't want to receive any obligation".
