
“Networks for the future”: the conference of industrial economists starting tomorrow at the Luiss

The conference of industrial economists of the magazine "L'industria" on "Networks for the future - The governance of infrastructures for development and sustainability" - The topic is the relationship between infrastructures and growth and among the speakers is the noble father of the Romano Prodi group.

Friday 28 and Saturday 29 September in Rome, at the LUISS "Guido Carli" headquarters in via Pola hosts the conference "Networks for the future - The governance of infrastructures for development and sustainability". The conference, open to the public, is promoted by the magazine "L'industria" and deals with the enormously important topic of the relationship between infrastructure and growth.

The project of the conference is, therefore, to initiate a structured reflection on this issue, which involves, internally, not only economists, but also institutions and operators, in order to endow this relationship, too often taken for granted, with an organic theoretical point of view.

Prestigious names make up the busy program of the two days, including that of Romano Prodi stands out, who is the mobile father of industrial economists, but also those of Giuseppe Mele of Confindustria, of the General Manager of Finmeccanica Alessandro Pansa, of Andrea Bianchi of the Ministry of Economic Development and of the former president of Iri and Eni Gian Maria Gros-Pietro.
