
Giovanni Anceschi's "Liquid Possibilities" fascinate contemporary collectors

"Liquid possibilities" is the title of a long-awaited personal exhibition by Giovanni Anceschi to be held at the historic Tega gallery in Milan. The exhibition is entirely dedicated to one of the most eccentric, versatile and transversal protagonists of the art and visual communication scene in Italy since the end of the Fifties.

Giovanni Anceschi's "Liquid Possibilities" fascinate contemporary collectors

The exhibition curated by Alessandro Rosa presents a return to Kinetic and Programmed art and sees an exhibition by Giovanni Anceschi, founder of the T Group who in the 50s, where the search for the image created a new model of making art, which today finds a moment of effective relaunch also as a collector.

John Anceschi (Milan 1939) has always been one of the most attentive experimenters, also through the use of advanced technologies, of the formative processes of the work of art, of design and of the communicative aspects, read, through philosophical reflections, in their becoming, in the phenomenology and temporal development.

Founder of the T Group (Anceschi Boriani Colombo Devecchi Varisco), he participates in the season of exhibitions and activities of Kinetic and Programmed Art and in the international movement of New Trends. The attention to the making of the work has been the center of Anceschi's research since the beginning, interested, through the practice of innovation of languages ​​and expressive forms, in the creation of new images, often to be shared with an increasingly actor spectator .

The exhibition will present historical works, which were present in some exhibitions of Group T, such as an "Hourglass Picture" with lead dots and a "Table of liquid possibilities" with colored lubricating oil, exhibited respectively at the Miriorama 1 exhibitions and at the Miriorama personal 5 at the Galleria Pater in Milan in 1959 and 1961.

In recent years, in addition to the continuation of the studies and the formulation of theories related to the project of a revision of the discipline of communication design, he has developed coordinated image projects, exhibition design and some examples of multimedia in Italy and abroad. , hypermedia and interaction design. Within a framework of Reprogrammed Art, Anceschi has taken up ideas and projects related to the years of Arte Programmata, revisiting some of them from a new point of view, creating new ones, always finding unexpected results and outcomes.

From this new panorama, the exhibition will present a series of recent unpublished works such as "Vetroliquido rosso" and "Vetroliquido rosso-verde" with various types of lubricating oils, the large "Tables of liquid possibilities" with rotating mechanism, "Rotoliquido" in steel , envelope in pvc and colored oil and lastly "Percorsi fluidi elicoidal" re-editing of a complex work exhibited at the time at the Miriorama 11 exhibition, at the Galleria Gruppo N in Padua and at the Cavallino in Venice in 1962.                            

On the occasion of the exhibition, a catalog edited by Alessandro Rosa will be presented with texts by Paolo Fabbri, Luca Cerizza, Azalea Seratoni, Luca Trevisani, Giulia Niccolai.

Inauguration Monday 12 December 2016 from 18:00 to 21:00
13 December – 11 February
Monday to Saturday 10:00 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 19:00
