
Le Pen and Mélenchon, Assad's fans: shame. They have always supported the Syrian regime without the slightest reservation

For years, Le Pen and Mélenchon have supported the liberticidal regime of the Syrian dictator Assad without any doubt and have never been ashamed of it. Those who voted for them would do well to remember this.

Le Pen and Mélenchon, Assad's fans: shame. They have always supported the Syrian regime without the slightest reservation

Now that the horrors of Sednaya, the prison forty kilometers from Damasco in which the regime of Assad tortured his prisoners without mercy, a wave of indignation is rising in the world and is also rising in France where for years the leader of the far right, Marine Le Pen, and the leader of the far left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon have supported the Syrian dictator without the slightest reservation. "Let's measure now - writes the director of, Laurent Joffrin – the inconceivable cynicism of a Marine Le Pen and a Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who have consistently and energetically supported this regime of sadistic murderers, who have willfully ignored reliable information coming from the Syria on the incredible abuses perpetrated by Assad while praising, out of ideological blindness, bloodthirsty Syrian nationalism and unwaveringly supporting the Moscow-Tehran-Damascus axis without any regard for the medieval abuses of a ruthless regime that trampled on the basic values ​​of human dignity”. Le Pen and Mélenchon “have turned a blind eye to abuses worthy of the Gestapo" but they can't say they didn't know why Amnesty International had been denouncing for years the “widespread and systematic acts of torture by the Syrian regime against citizens suspected of being against Assad. The cynical blindness of Le Pen and Mélenchon – concludes Joffrin – should be remembered by everyone, especially those who have retained a “minimum idea of ​​human dignity”. Sacred words.
