

Mediaset and Mps are always in the eye of the storm, while news of the death of Fabrizia di Lorenzo and the liberation of Aleppo arrives from abroad - The new Salerno-Reggio Calabria line has been inaugurated, which will also change its name: it will be called A2.


1- Stock Exchange: Mediaset and Mps ko, the Popolari get back up

Double-digit losses of the Biscione, increasingly under check by Vivendi - Sales also on Mps, FCA and Telecom - The weakness of Wall Street infects Piazza Affari and the European stock exchanges but the cooperative banks raise their heads, supported by the bailout decree and from the rejection of the appeal by the Lombardy Region by the Constitutional Court. The article by Maria Teresa Scorzoni.

2- Mediaset, Vivendi rises to 28,8%. Biscione reports to Consob

With the markets closed (today in Piazza Affari Mediaset fell by 12,4%) the news arrived of a further strengthening of the Bollorè media group, which now holds 28,8% of the share capital and 29,94% of the rights of vote of Mediaset. Read the full article.

3- Mps, capital increase fails

The Sienese bank communicated that the capital increase operation, launched on Monday 19 December, did not close successfully. In fact, not enough investment orders were collected to reach the sum of 5 billion euros. Now it's the Treasury's turn. Read the full article.

4- Salerno-Reggio Calabria completed after 55 years and open to traffic

With the opening of the Galleria Larìa (Cosenza), the works started in 1955 which will make the A3 (which will be called A2) passable with three and two lanes in each direction, with motorway standards - Also present was Prime Minister Gentiloni - Delrio : "Work symbol of an honest and clean South". Read the full article.

5- Berlin, Fabrizia Di Lorenzo died. Syria, Aleppo has been liberated

After 4 years of control by the rebels in some areas of the city, today the Syrian national army has regained control of Aleppo - The Farnesina has confirmed the death of the 31-year-old Italian who had been living in the German capital for years. Read the articles: 1 - 2.
