

Tuesday 30 May is the day of the leadership of the Democratic Party, which confirms the intention to proceed on the German model for the electoral law - The final approval is also close and, at this point, the early elections - A lively day also on the financial front: banks from Veneto, Ilva, Vivendi and Italgas.

1- Electoral law, Renzi to the Democratic Party: "Yes to the German model"

The secretary of the Democratic Party confirmed the choice of the German model to the management, in agreement with Forza Italia, M5S, the Italian Left and the Lega, and the rapid approval of the new law: "Definitive yes by 7 July". Go to the article.

2- Pop Vicenza and Veneto Banca, Atlas no to new capital

No was in the air, also in light of the stoppage arrived by the banks and foundations that are shareholder of Atlante: "Too many uncertainties, there are no conditions". Go to the article.

3- The Stock Exchange is holding up: luxury and utilities are good, Telecom and Mediaset are bad

After yesterday's crash, Piazza Affari recovers and closes in positive territory, unlike other European lists – Ferrari, Moncler and Italgas shine – Telecom and Mediaset slip. Go to the article.

4- Ilva, Bentivogli (Fim Cisl) on redundancies: "Unacceptable"

Minister Carlo Calenda presented the industrial plan of Am Investco Italy to the unions, in pole position for the award of the assets of Ilva in Taranto - 5 thousand-6 thousand redundancies proposed - Unions on a war footing - Marco Bentivogli: "A very serious blow that we cannot accept". Go to the article.

5- Vivendi: EU ok with Telecom control, but Persidera must be sold

The European Commission has conditioned the go-ahead to Vivendi for de facto control of Telecom on the sale of Persidera, the television frequency company of the Italian telecommunications group – Mediaset and Telecom shares fall on the stock exchange. Go to the article.
