

Draghi, Frexit, Fillon, Unicredit and spread: these are the 5 tags of the day, told through our articles.


1- Draghi replies to populism: "The euro is irrevocable"

The president of the ECB in a hearing in the European Parliament: "Our monetary policy is structured to give price stability throughout the Eurozone" - "We certainly look with concern at the announcements of protectionism" coming from the USA - Then the reply to Trump and to Le Pen: “The Euro is irrevocable, this is what the Treaty says”. Read the full article.

2- Unicredit and the banks sink the Stock Exchange and the spread flies

Piazza Affari loses more than the European lists (-2,21%) in a session dominated by political risk which from France is projected onto all markets and which sends the BTP-Bund spread skyrocketing which closes above the threshold of 200 basis points - Particularly significant were the losses of Unicredit on the first day of the capital increase and of cooperative banks – CNH and Telecom among the few stocks bucking the trend. The article by Maria Teresa Scorzoni.

3- Unicredit, the largest capital increase is underway: all the information

From – The capital increase of the bank led by Jean Pierre Mustier will begin on February 6 – From the price to the timing, here is all the information savers need to know – It is the largest increase ever launched in Italy. Read the full article.

4- France, Le Pen dreams of Frexit but Macron grows

The future of Europe depends on the presidential elections in France in April: Le Pen's Front National promises to leave the EU, the euro and NATO and the consensus gives it 27% but it will hardly win in the second round - Faced with the the sinking of the right and the improbable rescue of the socialists, Macron's chances are growing, which is already at 22% – The effects on the markets. The article by Claudia Segre.

5- France, Fillon: "I made a mistake but I'm not retiring"

The right-wing Gaullist candidate in the French presidential elections admits the mistake of having hired his wife Penelope and especially his two children as a salaried collaborator, but he doesn't throw in the towel: "My program is annoying and it's the only one capable of restoring confidence in the French ” – But his candidacy is now compromised. The article by Giuseppe Baselice.
