

A day full of news from the economic and financial world: the lights are all focused on the possible FCA scandal, but big news also comes from Unicredit, UBI and Alitalia.


1- Dieselgate: USA accuses, FCA defends itself

The US Environment Agency has accused FCA of rigging the emissions of 104 vehicles sold in the US: thus a new Dieselgate is looming, after the one that overwhelmed Volkswagen, which for now is excluded from the Italian-American house: "Standards respected ” – Fca and Exor collapse in Piazza Affari – Marchionne: “Unjust accusations”. Read the full article.

2- FCA sinks due to Dieselgate (-16,1%) and overwhelms the Stock Exchange, but UBI booms (+9,1%)

The accusation by the American authorities of having manipulated the data on the emissions of 104 cars sinks FCA and Exor and drags down Piazza Affari (-1,7%) – Immediate reply from Marchionne – Mediaset and Leonardo are also down sharply – Ubi's Sprint after the purchase for just one euro of three Good Banks – Green light for the Unicredit capital increase. The article by Maria Teresa Scorzoni.

3- Unicredit: green light for the 13 billion capital increase

In the meeting held today in Rome, 99,63% of the capital present voted in favor - The CEO Mustier "Extremely confident about the success of the increase" - The rumors about the agreement with Axa denied: "Generali must remain Italian ”. Read the full article.

4- Calenda attacks: "Alitalia badly managed"

The Minister of Development enters the field: "The faults cannot fall on the workers" and urges the presentation of the industrial plan. 4.000 places at risk according to rumors circulated so far. Read the full article.

5- Ubi: launch of the offer for Banca Etruria, Marche and Carichieti

The supervisory board of Ubi has authorized the official and binding presentation to the Bank of Italy for the purchase at the symbolic price of 1 euro of Nuova Banca dell'Etruria e del Lazio, Nuova Banca delle Marche and Carichieti - Ubi will a €400 million recapitalization of the three banks in resolution. Read the full article.
