

Telecom collapses: Cattaneo-Vivendi divorce is without recovery - GDP, Bank of Italy raises estimates: +1,4% in 2017 - Veneto banks, agreement between Intesa and trade unions on 4 redundancies - Fire alarm: the army in the field - Bonucci in Milan it's official: goodbye Juve after 6 championships.


1- Telecom collapses: Cattaneo-Vivendi divorce is without recovery

The European stock exchanges closed flat and so did Piazza Affari after the disappointing US data on inflation and consumption - In Milan the TLC group is targeted by sales while it is negotiating for the 50 million severance pay - Leonardo is the leader in the increases, FCA penalized after the withdrawal of 1 million vehicles – The Btp-Bund spread rises – The dollar falls, gold grows. Stellar debut for doBank (+13,89%). Read the full article.

2- GDP, Bank of Italy raises its estimates: +1,4% in 2017

An increase of half a percentage point compared to the January 2017 estimates – According to Bank of Italy, domestic demand will contribute to the surge, characterized by an expansion in consumption and investments. Read the full article.

3- Veneto banks, Intesa-union agreement on 4 redundancies

The agreement provides for 4 voluntary early retirements in the former Veneto Banca and Banca Popolare di Vicenza, of which at least 31 by 2017 December XNUMX. The first exit window is set for XNUMX October this year. Save the welfare treatments while waiting for the corporate bargaining to be harmonized with that of the Intesa Sanpaolo group. Read the full article.

4- Fire alarm: the army in the field

The military guard the access roads to Vesuvius, where 100 hectares of forest have so far been destroyed – In Calabria the fires caused the death of two farmers. Read the full article.

5- Bonucci is official at Milan: goodbye Juve after 6 championships

A deal that seemed unlikely until a few days ago closed today in Milan: for the next 5 years, Bonucci will be defender and captain of Milan, after winning 6 consecutive championships with Juventus. Read the full article.
