Stability Law: Government towards trust, for the house the single bill checks

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The stalemate on the Stability Law continues and the Government could try to resolve the situation by placing its trust in the provision. In order to start voting, the package of amendments from the rapporteur and the Government is still missing, which should summarize the agreement on the main issues of the manoeuvre. Meanwhile, the groups have further skimmed their proposals without however reaching the hoped-for number of 150 amendments, necessary to be able to conclude the work tomorrow as foreseen in the calendar. In total, the remaining amendments are about 540, those of Forza Italia are 115, those of Ncd are 51, while the Democratic Party has left 175 modification proposals.

To further complicate the work in the Senate Budget Committee is the definitive rift that took place last week in the center-right. He revived her Forza Italy it does not intend to allow an acceleration of the process until the Executive takes into consideration some requests: above all, the stop to the taxation on the first home.

Yesterday the group leader of Fi Renato Brunetta stigmatized the government's absence from the meeting organized in the Senate, “an attitude that makes the necessary dialogue impossible to reach a delimitation of the number of amendments. The Executive assumes a serious responsibility and runs the risk of lengthening the time required for the approval of the measure”. 

The deadline for approval is Tuesday, when the government could pose confidence on the text of the commission. A decision that would allow the Stability law to be voted on before November 27, the day on which the Senate will vote on Berlusconi's forfeiture, and would push Forza Italia to break before that date

On the front of the property, the last hypothesis speaks of a single bill divided into two parts, one for assets and one for services. The amendment by the government and the rapporteurs could also include the return to the system of deductions decided by the Municipalities for the main residence in the part of the services, to be extended perhaps to the tenants.

The Executive aims to address the issue of natural disasters, which has become even more urgent after the emergency in Sardinia. This was reported by the Undersecretary for the Economy, Pier Paolo Baretta, on the sidelines of the work of the Senate Budget Commission: "The Government - he said - has acceded to the request of Senator Ugo Sposetti of the Democratic Party who asked to put the discussion at the center of the topic of natural disasters. We believe that this issue should be addressed with due relevance".

In addition to the hydrogeological instability, the Treasury is working to find additional resources for the tax wedge as well the Guarantee Fund for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.

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