
Work, Parliament: not just Article 18

Information, consultation, representation, share plans, use of the severance indemnity, relocation of the unemployed and paternity leave: all the topics being studied by the Labor commissions of the Chamber and Senate.

Work, Parliament: not just Article 18

Work is not just Article 18. There are other issues, such as the dramatic re-employment of the redundant, or the demanding issue of worker participation in the company, or paternity leave on which the Senate and the Chamber are discussing. At Palazzo Madama, the Labor Commission has the participation of workers in the company on its agenda today. The select committee has developed a summary text of the five bills that were on the table - two from the PDL, two from the Democratic Party, one from the IDV - and the commission in plenary session begins its examination and discussion.

Information, consultation, representation, share plans, use of severance pay. These are the main topics that will characterize the comparison. Tomorrow, in the same commission, the relocation of the unemployed will take center stage. Three bills (two of the Pd, one of the Pdl) that will have to find a synthesis in a unified text. Among the suggestions, the establishment of a support service for the relocation of companies that proceed with redundancies; incentives for employment expansion and self-employment in the form of tax relief, subsidized loans, tax credits; facilitations for employers who hire long-term unemployed (at least 24 months), unemployed, young people under 25 on permanent contracts.

In the House tomorrow in the Labor Committee we will return to talk about paternity leave in the select committee. A discussion already started in recent weeks, after a nine-month break. In summary, it provides that "the working father is required to abstain from work for a period of four continuous days, within three months of the birth of the child, subject to notification to the employer, to be made in writing at least fifteen days before of the start date of the period of absence from work. The indemnity envisaged for this period is charged to the relevant social security system. For this period, the salary is equal to 100%".
