
Work: over a million jobs snubbed by Italians

According to the latest Excelsior-Unioncamere survey, in the North there are as many as 84 vacancies for every 100 unemployed - Among the most sought-after figures, cooks, workers, analysts, technicians and more

Work: over a million jobs snubbed by Italians

The work is there, the unemployed as well. But the two universes, in Italy, do not meet. According to the latest Excelsior-Unioncamere survey, in the North there are 84 vacancies for every 100 unemployed, while in the Center the share drops to 43 out of 100 and in the South it drops to 18 out of 100. For “vacancy” means a contract that the company would like but is unable to enter into for lack or inadequacy of candidates.

In general, the percentage of jobs that remain unfilled despite being provided by companies is constantly growing: 21% in 2017 (860 miles), 26% in 2018 (1,2 million) e 29% between January and November this year, with a peak of 31% in the last two months.

But why in a country with an unemployment rate as high as the Italian one do so many jobs remain uncovered? The answer comes as no surprise: disinterest and lack of skills. There are jobs that Italians simply don't want to do; as a result, no one prepares to take those paths.

Among the most snubbed professions are those of trade and services, such as cooks, bartenders e waiters (273 thousand). Follow the skilled workers (262 thousand) and the technical professions (225 thousand). As a percentage of the seats provided, the record belongs to the teachers of languages ​​and other disciplines, with 65%; in second position software analysts and designers with 60,7%, third electric welding specialists with 60% ei programmer technicians with 56%.

On the other hand, broadening the view to the panorama of those who have a job, it becomes evident how much the training deficit is a much wider problem in our country, given that 35% of Italian workers are employed in sectors that have nothing to do with the training course followed.

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