
Work: over one million places available by March

Here are the data from the monthly bulletin of the Excelsior information system created by Unioncamere and Anpal

Work: over one million places available by March

By March 2019 Italian companies will hire 1,2 million people. Of these, 442 will get a contract in January. They look like positive numbers, but in reality they are declining year-on-year: -58.620 on the quarter and -49.510 on the month. Furthermore, compared to 2018, it increased by 6% the difficulty, reported by companies, to identify suitable profiles to be introduced in the company: a problem that affects 31% of the revenue expected in January, also due to a greater demand for qualified professional profiles. These are some of the indications contained in the monthly bulletin of the Excelsior information system, created by Unioncamere and Anpal.

According to the analysis, despite the general decline, in the first three months of 2019 aSome economic sectors will move against the trend compared to the market average, increasing the number of new contracts available compared to the same period last year. These are fashion, metallurgy, mechatronics, pharmaceutical chemistry and tourism sectors. On the other hand, the agri-food sector was down, with a drop of 18,2% compared to the planned revenues in the same quarter of 2018.

Going back to the general market trends, even if the planned revenues drop, however, the number of companies hiring increases both in absolute terms (from 191.250 to 209.140) and percentages (from 14,1% to 15,3%). The increase is particularly significant among medium-sized companies: those that hire went from 30,9% to 36,5%.

The priorities of companies in hiring plans are also changing. In percentage terms, the demand by companies for the highly specialized professions and technicians (from 24% to 26% of total planned income), as well as skilled workers (from 30,3% to 31,3%), while the weight of unskilled professions is reduced (from 14,2% to 12,6. 31,5%) and clerical, commercial and service professions (from 30,1% to XNUMX%).

- territorial trends they reflect the trend towards the search for specialist figures to be included in more advanced business processes. The North West, in fact, is the area of ​​the country that concentrates the greatest demand for labor in January and marks the most consistent growth compared to last year: the more than 155 contracts represent 35,1% of total planned revenues and are an increase of 1,5 percentage points compared to January 2018). The weight of the Center also increased (+0,6 points, with a share of 19,4% of revenues), while the share of the North East decreased slightly (-0,7 percentage points). On the contrary, the downsizing of the South and the Islands was sensitive (-1,4 points) with the risk of further problems of territorial polarization of the labor market.
