
Lavoro, the classification of Italy in black

According to the findings of the Ministry of Labour, Emilia Romagna is the first region for the number of undeclared workers (7.849) and the second in terms of illegal workers (16.586) - Campania (7.177) is very close behind, closely followed round trip from Tuscany (5.315) - At the bottom of the ranking is the small Valle d'Aosta (just 136)

Lavoro, the classification of Italy in black

Irregular and undeclared work is a widespread phenomenon throughout Italy, but there are some regions in evidence. Above all, Emilia Romagna. Last year, the undocumented workers discovered by the Ministry of Labor reached and exceeded 157 units, while those undeclared uncovered totaled 57.186. The Undersecretary for Labor and Social Policies, Luca Bellotti, in answering a question traces a detailed picture, region by region. Last year there were over 148 inspections and Emilia Romagna with record numbers from the checks: it is the first for the number of undeclared workers – a good 7.849 those identified – and the second in terms of irregular workers (16.586).

In the South it is Campania that stands out: in this far from meritorious ranking it comes in second place for the number of undeclared workers (7.177). In third place is Tuscany, where inspections have brought to light 5.315 undeclared workers and as many as 15.246 irregular workers. The industrious Lombardy stands out in terms of illegal immigrants: it is by far the region where the greatest number have been discovered, a good 23.103. But other regions that have always attracted work are no joke: after Lombardy, Emilia and Tuscany, here are Veneto (11.236) and Piedmont (10.904).

The south also plays its part, with Puglia in evidence (over 11 irregular workers and 4.843 illegal workers), followed by Sardinia and Calabria. The most virtuous (so to speak) is Valle d'Aosta, but in this case the small numbers must also be related to the small size of the region: the 362 inspections carried out highlighted 506 irregular positions and 136 illegal workers.
