
Work, here's how it changes with the Jobs Act

Here are the innovations introduced by the draft law which will now have to receive the yes of the Chamber: cut in contributions or IRAP for open-ended contracts, and then new regulations for demotion, vouchers and minimum wages - On art. 18 will be decided with delegated decrees only once the Jobs Act becomes law.

Pending the passage to the Chamber, on which the oppositions (primarily Pd minority) promise battle, the Jobs Act is starting to outline a new labor market. Meanwhile the permanent contract becomes a form defined as "privileged" compared to other types of employment relationship, starting with the fixed-term ones made more flexible a few months ago. For this reason it will be "cheaper in terms of direct and indirect costs", ie incentivized with a cut in contributions or Irap, the tax payable by businesses. On the other hand, a deadline is set for new hires new contract with increasing protections in relation to length of service, with the aim of "simplifying, modifying or superseding" the long list of existing contracts, more than 40, thus reducing, at least in intentions, the margins for precariousness. 

OnArticle 18 however, no decision has been made: as expected, the changes are deferred to the delegated decrees, which the government will have to issue within six months once the Jobs act becomes law, and therefore after approval also by the Chamber. The rules will apply to new hires (first job or change of company) and the reinstatement remains for discriminatory dismissals, those motivated for example by the employee's political or religious beliefs. It disappears completely for the economic ones, attributed to the difficulties of the market, for which only an indemnity that increases with length of service will remain possible. While for disciplinary dismissals, motivated by the behavior of the worker, it will remain only for a few cases, those in which the magistrate will ascertain a serious violation by the company, which will in any case always be specified in the implementing rules so as to reduce the margins of discretion of the law.

Some last-minute tweaks then arrived on demotion, i.e. the possibility of assigning the worker tasks that are lower than the category to which he belongs. The operation will be possible also taking into account the "life and economic conditions of the worker". But, this is the addition in extremis, national or even company contracts may provide for "further hypotheses". The rules for i voucher instead they provide for a compromise for vouchers used for occasional work which represent the most flexible form of work. As requested by the Pd minority, the ceiling on annual use per single worker remains, even if this does not mean that the old limit of 5 euros a year cannot be raised. 

In the document that obtained the yes of the Senate, the rule was finally recovered which allows the introduction, even on an experimental basis, of the minimum hourly wage. It is limited to workers who are not protected by a national contract, currently 15% of the total. But tomorrow, if the expiring contracts were to be canceled or even not renewed, the minimum wage could become a much more widespread rule. On resources it is specified that the "possible savings" that will come from the revision of the redundancy fund can be allocated to the new social safety nets. 

