
Work, those with a qualification have more opportunities

According to Unioncamere, two out of five people who will find work by 2020 will have a high qualification - The greatest opportunities for those who work in training, culture and health - Within four years there will be 2 and a half million.

Work, those with a qualification have more opportunities

Two out of five people who will find work by 2020 will have a high qualification, 5% more than in 2016. The need for intermediate figures will, however, drop by two percentage points, reaching 31% of total demand, while it will remain stable at 27 % the demand for unqualified professions. These are the forecasts developed by Unioncamere in collaboration with the Clas Group on the labor market over the next five years. A total of 2,5 million people will enter the world of work as employees, entrepreneurs or professionals by 2020 in companies or in the Public Administration and having a qualified professional profile will offer greater employment opportunities. Therefore, according to Unioncamere forecasts, out of 100 people who will find a job by 2020, 41 will have to have a high qualification (the so-called high skill) and will be 2 more than in 2016.

The analysis estimates that most of the 2,5 million new entries will replace personnel who have reached retirement or, to a lesser extent, will go to occupy a new job, generated by economic growth. The latter was calculated on the basis of the forecasts formulated by the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund, which estimate that, between 2016 and 2020, employment in Italy will increase overall by 2,1% (+0,4% l 'year).
