
Work: 465 hires in sight, candidates cannot be found

Demand is driven by fixed-term contracts with 256 requests, while permanent contracts are still below 2019 levels. Difficulty in finding qualified employees confirmed

Work: 465 hires in sight, candidates cannot be found

Hiring is increasing but candidates are scarce. In November, there were almost 465 contracts planned by companies, with +201 compared to the same month in 2020 and +116 compared to November 2019. The offer of fixed-term contracts prevails, while the difficulty of finding suitable profiles to hire touches his record: almost 4 out of 10 profiles, equal to about 179 professional profiles. Outlining this panorama is the usual Bulletin of the Excelsior information system, produced by Unioncamere and Anpal1.

The demand for labor is driven by fixed-term contracts with 256 applications, equal to 55,1% of planned revenues (+90 compared to November 2019), followed by permanent contracts with 86 contracts, equal to 18,6% of cases (6 fewer than in 2019) and by supply contracts with 55 thousand requests, equal to 11,8% (+21 thousand on November 2019). There are 23 thousand other non-employee contracts offered, 17 thousand apprenticeship contracts, 8 thousand collaboration contracts and 19 thousand other employee contracts.

According to the study, some of the 465 hirings expected by companies in November will take place in the manufacturing sectors (+40 thousand) and, in particular, for the metallurgical industries (+16 thousand), for those of mechatronics (+11 thousand) and for the textile, clothing and footwear industries (+8 thousand). The sector's employment prospects are also positive construction (+24 thousand hires compared to November 2019), as well as in the transport and logistics sectors (+29 thousand), personal services (+7 thousand) and IT and telecommunications services (+6 thousand).

The growth in demand is accompanied by the difficulty of finding various professional figures, above all specialized workers and highly qualified personnel. In November, the share of hires for which companies declared difficulty in finding them stood at 38,5% of forecasted revenue, with an increase of 8% compared to November 2019. Among the main causes was the lack of candidates (22%), followed byinadequate preparation of these (13,6%).

Among the most difficult professions to find in first place are i blacksmiths and foundrymen (respectively 61,7% and 57,8%), followed by specialists in mathematics, information technology, chemistry, physics and natural sciences (58,7%), craftsmen and specialized workers assigned to finishing buildings (58,2%) , craftsmen and skilled workers in the installation and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment (57,9%), IT, telematic and telecommunications technicians (55,2%), health technicians (49,7%) and, lastly, engineers (49,3%). While, in the economic sectors there are constructions (53,7%), metallurgical industries (50,7%), accommodation and restaurant services (47,9%), mechanical and electronic industries (47,8%), computer services and telecommunications (45,2%).

At the regional level, the Lombardia expects the highest flows with 104.300 hires, followed by Lazio (46.240) and from Veneto (44.920). On the other hand, the companies in the North East will encounter the greatest difficulties in finding workers (45,3% of the profiles to be hired), in the lead those of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (47,4%), followed by companies in the North West ( 39,8%), from the Center (36,1%) and from the South and Islands (32,5%).
