
The Arma dei Carabinieri chooses Acea's zero kilometer waste

New Smart Comp plant for composting waste in the Roman barracks. It will treat up to 80 tons of organic waste near the production site, with a positive impact on the environment and CO₂ reduction

The Arma dei Carabinieri chooses Acea's zero kilometer waste

That e Arms of the Carabinieri have signed a new agreement to implement innovative solutions in the treatment of organic waste from a green and sustainable point of view. The innovative plant AceaSmartComp it was installed in the "Salvo d'Acquisto" barracks in Rome in the Tor di Quinto district and will be part of a composting network also serving other Army barracks in the capital. The plant will treat at zero kilometer up to 80 tons of waste produced near the place of production, guaranteeing the reduction of climate-altering emissions for about 3.000 less trucks on the roads and about 3,6 million km not traveled by heavy vehicles.

Specifically, the system (conceived and built by Acea in collaboration with Enea and the University of Tuscia) was specifically designed for the widespread and participatory treatment of zero kilometer organic waste produced by different types of users such as canteens, hospitals, airports, shopping centres, barracks. This equipment transforms wet waste into compost directly near the production site, with a positive impact on the environment, thanks to an aerobic process constantly monitored by advanced sensors.

The SmartComp project is in line with the strategy of the Group's business plan which envisages install 150 SmartComps by 2024 in order to implement a delocalized and shared waste management model equal to that of a traditional plant necessary for a city of 150 inhabitants, the so-called "waste transition".

"Today the Carabinieri and Acea have concretely launched an interconnected project between technological innovation and the environmental sustainability of our country to which the Institution dedicates important human and material resources - declared Gaetano Maruccia, Commander of the Palidoro Mobile and Specialized Units Command -. However, Arma also wants to present itself as a virtuous model and example of eco-sustainable implementation for its management activities and, with a strategic partner such as Acea, it has been possible to develop an innovative project that certainly looks to the future and can also be applied to the network of the barracks in Rome".

“Today's signing makes the virtuous collaboration operational under the banner of a new culture of sustainability – he said Joseph Gola, Chief Executive Officer of the Acea Group -. The SmartComp project, in line with the objectives of the European Community and consistent with the strategy of the ACEA industrial plan on the treatment and valorisation of waste, from a green and sustainable perspective, will allow the treatment of significant flows of organic waste near the site of production, with a positive impact on the environment and on the reduction of CO₂ emissions”.
