
The 2021 Job Yearbook: the new edition is out

The 2021 edition of the Labor Yearbook, edited by "Il diario del lavoro" directed by Massimo Mascini, is out these days topical at the center of a single volume in the panorama of Italian publishing

The 2021 Job Yearbook: the new edition is out

“There were many fears. We were afraid of seeing employment collapse, of making the economy falter, of losing social cohesion forever. We had left 2020 with gray prospects and instead this 2021, born under the star of uncertainty, has been able to give us new hope ". The preface by the Director of "Il Diario del Lavoro", Massimo Mascini, begins with these words to this year's edition of "L'Annuario del Lavoro" 2021 (358 pages, 70 euros, Il Diario del lavoro publisher) which is now a point of reference for the protagonists, actors or scholars who are, of the world of work and more generally for those who want to keep up to date on the reality and prospects of work in Italy.

The volume, very well thought out and also aesthetically elegant, is divided into seven chapters as follows: the diary of the events of 2021, collective bargaining, legislation, the players in industrial relations (trade unions and professional associations), Analysis and Insights, the portraits of work, work and culture. A reasoned and complete review of everything that happens in the world of work in Italy.

The fact sheets on trade union and business organizations are excellent, the updates on bargaining and labor legislation are excellent, the in-depth analyzes by illustrious names stand out, among which stand out in particular "The memory of work" by Ferruccio de Bortoli, "The debate in Europe on digitization" by Tiziano Treu, "Pluralism and the institutions" by Gian Primo Cella, "How bargaining is changing in Italy" by Mimmo Carrieri, "The organization in the factory after Covid" by Luciano Pero.

A volume that deserves to be read and meditated on.
