
Lamborghini, Bentivogli: supplementary ok with salary and Constitution

The hypothesis of an agreement that will be submitted to the company referendum foresees, in addition to 150 hirings, also important innovations both on the contractual level and on the part of the negotiated shareholding – Bentivogli: “A great result, work as a school of citizenship”.

Lamborghini, Bentivogli: supplementary ok with salary and Constitution

“The hypothesis of an agreement on the renewal of the supplementary contract in Automobili Lamborghini for 2018, signed last week and which will now have to be submitted to a vote by the workers, represents a great result, both on a contractual level, introducing an increase in the salary performance bonus from 2.700 euros in 2017 to 3.000 euros for 2018; and on the part of the negotiated participation, improving the reconciliation of working hours and free time". This is the comment of the general secretary of the Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, in view of the company referendum to be held in the next few days.

Bentivogli explains, “the right is added for workers in difficulty with holidays to access, self-financing them, up to 5 days of “special permits”; but above all the most interesting part on an innovative level is that which concerns specific training on the contents of our Constitutional Charter in the factory”.

"It is certainly one of the most qualifying aspects of the agreement - continues the trade unionist - where as a union we wanted, as Calamadrei said, to put "the fuel" to make it concrete and alive, giving people the opportunity to get to know it and study it, to be truly free in the Work. This is an extraordinary training plan, paid and during working hours, for all employees on the contents of the Constitution".

With regard to employment, the hypothesised agreement provides that, after the 500 permanent hirings carried out as part of the Urus project from 2015 to today, and after the 200 hirings contained in the painting plant agreement (to be completed by 2020 ), Lamborghini is expected to hire an additional 150 permanent workers to be carried out between July 2018 and April 2019.
