
Water in photos at the San Marino Green Festival

Two photographers exhibit work on the resource at the heart of the fight for the climate.

Water in photos at the San Marino Green Festival

The artists who choose to work on environmental and sustainability issues they are generally convinced that to save the planet all the means of expression at their disposal are needed. They don't feel "other" than movements, politics, associations. They go on the hunt for art galleries and exhibitions where they can present their works to encourage skeptics and make them take the right side. They are neither propagandists nor agitators, they simply reinforce a current that is still difficult to name. Increasingly, industry and the business world are looking for them to promote eco-sustainable projects in local areas. Sometimes a retribution for the damage caused.

Conrad Mularoni e George Busignani are two photographers from San Marino who found in San Marine Green Festival the space to exhibit one's works on the value of water. "A world without water" is the theme of the exhibition that opens Friday October 15 in the exhibition space of the Michele Volpinari optics a Borgo maggiore. The subtitle "Virtual water, real need" suggests what the lenses of the two photographers have captured near home and in distant places.

Gabriele Geminiani, promoter of the San Marino Green Festival, took the opportunity to present the two artists in a particular environment. In the invitation he tells us that the optics laboratory is carved out of the rock with damp patches that make it the ideal location for an exhibition about water. Evidently the organizers also want to go to Borgo Maggiore. In fact, the Sustainable Archives to visit are located in the Casa del Castello. Another idea of ​​the Green Festival which has set up a permanent collection of works of art on the environment and sustainability.

Mularoni and Busignani on display are their suggestions on the value of water, an increasingly limited resource due to global warming. No part of the world is immune from it. Sensitivity on the subject has grown, but getting rid of the contradictions that lie within a tangled management between profits and waste, interests and injustices is tormented. The photos of the Iguazù waterfalls in Argentina, of the Perito Moreno glacier, of the dried clays of Muraloni in San Marino are certainly useful. However, they are not enough to erase the images of the polluted waters of the port of Rimini and other negativities, taken by Giorgio Bisignani. All to reflect. Expressive connections at the bottom between denunciation and respect for the places, placed in the judgment of visitors until 27 October.
