
The tragedy of Genoa and the need for a future

The summer of 2018 will forever be remembered as that of the collapse of Ponte Morandi but, as after the Bologna massacre of 1980, Italy can recover if it ascertains responsibilities severely but without summary trials and strikes the guilty but even if roll up your sleeves to rebuild Genoa – But above all if you abandon political pettiness and go back to betting on the future

The tragedy of Genoa and the need for a future

The summer of 2018 will forever be remembered as that of the cursed Genoa disaster. A bit like, almost forty years later, the summer of 1980 is forever that of the massacre of the Bologna railway station. Sometimes images are worth more than any word and that, terrifying, del collapse of Morandi bridge, which was the symbol of the economic miracle of the XNUMXs, we will never be able to erase it from our memory. Exactly like that of the Bologna station. Every time you pass by, even after many years, the thought rummages in the cellar of memories and there is nothing that can erase the pain, like what today - on the day of the funerals of the victims and of national mourning - the Italy whole trial for the innocent fallen of Genoa.

The memory of yesterday still saddens today, but it helps to find hope for tomorrow. After the 1980 massacre, on which – as President Mattarella, who will be at the funeral in Genoa today, recalled in recent days – there are still too many mysteries and too many gray areas, it seemed impossible to recover. But, as in the most difficult moments in its history, Italy has made it. Will it be like this again this time? Depends. If today as then, beyond the unspeakable political controversies, they will end up prevailing the sense of cohesion and the sense of unity instead of that of resentment and resentment, then we will succeed. But if, instead of urgently searching but without summary judgments for the culprits of the disaster and rolling up one's sleeves to rebuild Genoa fearlessly overcoming the No to everything subculture, the political profiteeringeven more bitter days are in store for our country.

The signals that have so far come from Genoa from the governing political class and in particular from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, from Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio and a little less from the other Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, are anything but encouraging. If the Autostrade company is guilty lack of maintenance and therefore the collapse of the bridge it is right that he pays, even harshly, but first a serious investigation is needed because Italy is not Venezuela and the desire for justice cannot compete with the rule of lawwith the laws and regulations in force. Likewise to insinuate, without evidence, suspicions of corruption about who ruled before to hide the tenacity with which for years the Five Stars have opposed the Gronda projects, i.e. the creation of an alternative link road to the Morandi Bridge to cross Genoa, is simply disgusting.

This is not how you respond to the pain of the families of the victims and that of an entire city and an entire nation. But today is the day of mourning and we must first think of those who have lost their lives, those who are still among the disappeared, those who are injured, those who have lost a home. There is only one way to honor them: banish pettiness and spite and bet on the future, rediscovering the pride of a community which, beyond the flags, can and must find a way to stay together, to take control of the own destiny and to plan one's future. Which starts today.
