
European taxonomy on gas and nuclear: the decision in July in Strasbourg

What happens after two Commissions of the European Parliament have rejected the EU Commission's proposal for investments also in gas and nuclear power. Italy among the protagonists

European taxonomy on gas and nuclear: the decision in July in Strasbourg

The deadline for the European taxonomy is that of the plenary session of the Parliament – 4/7 July – in Strasbourg. Only at the end of the work will it be known whether the gas and nuclear power will be part of the project with which the EU indicates which energy sources are included, or not, in the energy transition of the coming years towards the use of less harmful sources for the climate.

The complicated preliminary work for rmake investments flexible in two sources of energyduring the transition green, was rejected by the two Commissions for the Environment and the Economy. The parliamentarians rejected the Commission's proposal and for three days in the industrial and financial circles that count, they have been talking of nothing else. The game between those in favor and against gas and atoms reopens in a very delicate moment and for at least another fifteen days it will hold court between governments, trade associations and environmental organizations. In short, green investments should not go to these sources, which are in any case suffering from a difficult period.

The taxonomy for gas and nuclear, transitory opportunity

The vote in the two Commissions was 76 to 62 with one resolution who says no to the regulation approved by the Commission just three months ago. For a year now, there have been countless controversies on the subject and there is no shortage of contrasts between ideological visions and innovative thrusts. The war in Ukraine with the sanctions and the progressive reductions of gas to European countries then became the other side of the coin. Among the most decisive and pro-nuclear countries is France. Conversely, Italy and Germany are more interested in increasing gas spending. The agreements of Draghi and Cingolani in recent weeks with other liquefied gas producing countries are consistent with the reduction of imports from Russia.

In Strasbourg, the Parliament will put an end to it

There has been enough discussion in the two European commissions, as can be understood from the final note which recognizes the role of gas and nuclear power as sources useful for guaranteeing national energy systems towards renewables. But it is on the green sticker to be recognized to the plants - and the consequent financial support from the EU for their construction - that has created the impasse. The environmental associations put this first result of the commissions into their own account, which in any case remains linked to the vote of the Strasbourg Assembly in early July. The last word is not said and in parliamentary groups there can always be sensational about-faces. It is in fact very difficult for France, firmly oriented towards nuclear power, to accept such a sensational defeat.

A negative vote undermines the entire Green Deal

According to calculations, 353 votes against by Parliament would cause the entire taxonomy system to lapse. The position of a group of experts on Sustainable Finance also emerges in the controversy, according to which nuclear power must be excluded from financial flows because it contradicts the principle of not causing significant damage to the environment. More in depth, it concerns the radioactive waste to be managed for which there is no common vision in Europe. Once again on central issues the Union is not up to epochal challenges. This being the case, if Parliament were to confirm the vote of the two Commissions, precise responsibilities would emerge for the entire European ruling class.

Read also - Europe insists on the taxonomy for gas and nuclear as sustainable sources but Germany remains against it
