
The school between Bersani's continuity and Giavazzi's amnesia

From Bersani cunning captatio benevolentiae of all those areas of school discontent who forget, with unbearable lightness, that a year ago the country was on the brink of the abyss and that only thanks to Monti did it not fall into it - Giavazzi's references to discontinuity are correct , which, however, would have done better when he was a consultant to Gelmini

The school between Bersani's continuity and Giavazzi's amnesia

Electoral programs can also be bought at Buffetti's and can be found for all tastes and orientations. In the various editions there is not one that does not speak of the school and its centrality in the government programme. For years. It is therefore no news that Pierluigi Bersani recites the usual mantra of the centrality of the school with what follows in the television confrontation with Matteo Renzi. Sacrosanct principle except that after the elections everyone forgets about that centrality and realizes that there are other priorities. It's true: this is just the campaign of the Center Left primaries but the rituals always seem the same.

This time, however, there are those who take on the task of bashing the secretary of the Democratic Party and do so, on, later relaunched by Linkiesta, Francesco Giavazzi. The illustrious economist is right to criticize Bersani that "when he talks about reform he premises that we must not 'slap teachers, on the contrary, the reform must start from consideration of the role, the dignity and importance of teachers'. Do not mention it. And yet they are code words, which contain a clear message for the school unions: don't worry, you won't have any surprises with me. With these premises, the school will never reform itself”.

It should be added that these are words in a code, not so cryptic, aimed at throwing a dig at Mario Monti's recent statements, to win the sympathy of legions of slightly too touchy professors, who are thundering these days on specialized sites and in the corridors of schools, because after decades they have only now discovered that they no longer have social prestige. Who knows where they were in the long years of Berlusconi's governments.

In short, from Bersani a cunning captatio benevolentiae of all those areas of dissatisfaction with the school who like to practice anti-government discussions but who forget, with unbearable lightness, that a year ago the country was on the brink of the abyss and only thanks to Monti there is no precipitate. At least Renzi had the courage to pronounce the word "merit" in his speech on the school, even if the reforms do not live on words alone.

However, short memory also seems to have clouded Giavazzi who, if he has more than one reason to say that without discontinuity there can never be a school reform, he would have done better to remember it when he was an honored consultant to Minister Maria Stella Gelmini.  
