
Eva's Apple from Kazakhstan to New York

Botanists and geneticists from all over the world have taken care of Kazakh apples, and Eva's apple in particular – A conference was recently held in New York organized by the Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by the Kazakh non-profit organization- American alliance and by the municipal authorities of the American city.

Eva's Apple from Kazakhstan to New York

The mountains of Almaty, in Kazakhstan, are considered the homeland of apples and the very name "Almaty" means "full of apples" or even, according to an older etymology, "father of apples". The apples that come from Almaty are of excellent quality and constitute an important part of Kazakhstan's fruit and vegetable exports. But one of the local varieties, the malus sieversii, can also boast another coveted title, namely that of being the progenitor of all currently existing apple species: the oldest apple in the world, in short, Eve's apple. 

Botanists and geneticists from all over the world have studied the Kazakh apples, and Eva's apple in particular, to study the characteristics of the genome and the beneficial effects on the health of those who consume them. A conference organized by the Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the non-profit organization Kazakh-American alliance and the municipal authorities of New York City was held in New York these days. 

One of the speakers, agronomist Ethan Roland Solaviev, talked about his experience in the Almaty mountains, where he conducted research on the origins of local apple varieties. Almaty would therefore be the ancestral cradle of the apple and it is from this habitat, where it has still remained uncontaminated, that a precious contribution could come for the future of global fruit cultivation. Almaty apples, in fact, show exceptional resistance to attacks from parasites and diseases, as well as a series of qualities which, according to nutritionists, deserve Eva's apple a place of primary importance in a correct diet. 

The genetic heritage of this primeval apple, therefore, could revitalize that of many other species spread throughout the world. The highlight of the event was when a few Kazakh apple trees were planted in the grounds of Central Park thus creating a small Garden of Eden in the heart of the Big Apple.

