
Fieg intervenes in support of Agcom against Google

The publishers' association will file an intervention with the Tar today in favor of the request of the sector Authority which asks the US giant to disclose the data on advertising sales in Italy

Fieg intervenes in support of Agcom against Google

 "Making explicit what has so far been obscure, overcoming the paradox of the Internet between declared transparency and opacity practiced by Google". This is the reason for the intervention that Fieg will file today in the proceedings before the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, which pits Google against the Communications Authority on the obligation to make public the data on advertising revenues achieved in Italy.

 "Fieg, in its act of intervention - reads a note from the publishers' association - supports the full legitimacy of Agcom's action aimed at detecting the consistency of the entire national market of advertising on the web, a market of which Google holds a dominant share”.

In the opinion of Italian publishers, Google's claim not to be included among the subjects obliged to communicate their advertising revenues to the sector authority appears absurd, thus escaping the complex of rules set by the national and EU legislator to protect competition and oversee the informational pluralism. "An entity that holds over 90% of the search market in Europe and which in Italy collects - according to estimates - over 1 billion in advertising revenues - concludes Fieg - cannot behave as if it did not exist".
