
The creativity of seniors: from Verdi to Picasso and beyond

FROM THE LIFELY.IT BLOG – According to the psychologist Marcello Cesa Bianchi many studies are re-evaluating the relationship between mature age and creativity and after all Alessandro Manzoni and Giuseppe Verdi, not to mention Picasso, Goya, Rembrandt, Monet and even Charlie Chapilin produced their works best just as a senior

The creativity of seniors: from Verdi to Picasso and beyond
One of the most important skills and a wonderful resource of adulthood is creativity. Senior skills studies have changed a lot. And now there are many positive aspects of adulthood that are being highlighted. Let's see which ones.

“Studies on mature age have changed a lot over time. Recent research, such as that underpinning modern positive psychology, has highlighted that there is the possibility of develop creative situations precisely in old age: the senior is able to maintain his global psychic efficiency if he exploits his resources, through mental training and motivation”. He says it Marcello Cesa-Bianchi, Professor of Psychology, Director of the Institute of Psychology of the State University of Milan is one of the leading scholars of the subject: here's how he thinks.

Creativity means the'expression of himself, whose methods of execution are vast.
We have many illustrious examples, such as Giuseppe Verdi, Alessandro Manzoni, who produced their best works right in their old age, as well as Monet, Picasso, Goja, Rembrandt, Charlie Chaplin, but in common feeling these were considered exceptions.
The function of creativity has a broad spectrum and can also manifest itself in small daily actions, such as for example in the creation of original dishes or in DIY activities. This can be true in different conditions of aggregation: within the couple, the group, but also on an individual level.
Currently it is also considered possible even a recovery of brain function (phenomenon called synaptogenesis).

The numerous scales of aging, from 1950 onwards, had shown that functions such as memory and the ability to concentrate seemed to decrease with age. Currently it has been shown instead that theThe elder proceeds more deliberately and slowly, but is no less efficient: the tests used in the past were characterized by short response times and the elderly did not have time to solve them.
Also in terms of perception considerations of a different kind are being made at present. Based on the principle of perceptual constancy, which says that perception remains constant in the aging process, the brain compensates the perceptive difficulty linked to a sensory loss by stimulating the senses that have remained intact (principle of conservation). In other words ability is sharpened to respond to the decrease of some psychophysical functions using the knowledge and experiences learned in life. It has been demonstrated that the perceptive activity improves if the conditions in which it takes place improve: the external environment (society, but above all the family group) can stimulate interest, give space for expression, not deny the possible potential of the elderly.

Senescence is not the pathological condition, rather morbid events create the conditions for rapid psychophysical decline.

How you age depends on many factors, but mainly on your own personality, experiences and lifestyle.
Here are the factors that influence the aging process

Genetic factors, even sex can be a predisposing factor (males age more precociously).
Education and cultural level that make it easier to find life alternatives to retirement, to create survival strategies.
Economic well-being
Interaction and communication
Appearance of disabling illnesses: the elderly experience their illness as intrinsic, their experience is that the illness belongs to their destiny.
Personal style of life, i.e. undergoing or living life.
Belonging to a socio-family nucleus, i.e. the group, through confirmatory or devaluative attitudes, highlights the positive and negative aspects of the old age condition.
Dramatic events: for example the disappearance of key figures.
Uprooting from one's place of origin.
