
Bernanke's cautious openness to new stimuli gives impetus to the stock exchanges and Milan gains over 2%

The president of the fed does not reveal the details and does not decide on immediate interventions to support the American economy but leaves the door open and the markets take note of it with moderate satisfaction: stock exchanges all positive and Piazza Affari stands out also thanks to the banks - Mps recovers more than 6 % and Intesa is up 4% – Spread at 451.

Bernanke's cautious openness to new stimuli gives impetus to the stock exchanges and Milan gains over 2%

The first reaction was negative, then the markets corrected course. European stock markets thus closed well after Fed chairman Ben Bernanke's speech at the central bankers' symposium in Jackson Hole. The number one of the Federal Reserve limited himself to airing the hypothesis of new measures to support the economy without going into details, but that was enough to confirm the purchases of the early hours of the morning: the determination of the central banker is a good guarantee against speculative downward temptations.

Meanwhile, confirming that the market is once again focusing on new injections of liquidity, the dollar loses its shots at 1,260 against the euro. And so, after about half an hour of fluctuations, the American Stock Exchange has resumed its upward path and is now traveling with the S&P index up by 0,7%, the same rise recorded at the start of the session. Dow Jones +1,1%, Nasdaq +0,8%.

In Milan, the FtseMib achieved a gain of 2,16%, to 15.100, better than Paris (+1%) and Frankfurt (+1,09%). Madrid climbed 3% after the government's go-ahead for banking reform. On the government bond market, the spread rose again in the evening to around 450 basis points. 

In Milan, the rise of MontePaschi (+6,46%) with all positive banks: Understanding + 4,08% Pop.Emilia + 5,34% Pop.Milano + 3,24%.

The hitherto "cold" war between Marco Tronchetti Provera and the Malacalza family for control of Camfin (+26,51%. Prelios, that like Pirelli (+1,45%) is controlled by Camfin, down 4,8%

Good upside too Generali (+3,47%), which benefits from rumors according to which several Asian investors are interested in the subsidiary BSI. Mediolanum salt by 3,8%.

Among the best titles on the list there is Saipem (+3,2%), which benefits from the promotion of Credit Suisse a performer da neutral. The target price was raised to 44 euros from 40 euros.

Positive too Enel, which gains 2,99%, pushed by Citigroup which confirmed the opinion buy and raised the target price to 3,6 euro from 3 euro.
Terna +0,2%, this morning was downgraded from Ubs to neutral da performer. Enel Green Power salt by 2,11%. Iren salt by 5,3%.

Buzzi drops 1,9%: Exane lowered recommendation to underperform da neutral.

Yet another day of very strong rise for Rcs (+19,92%) this time preceded by Class (+22,34%). Up too l'Espresso (+ 6,4%) and Mondadori (+ 2,8%).
