
The Chamber gives the ok to the reform of the Public Administration

The reform of the Public Administration approved in a half-empty deputies room: green light with 253 votes in favor and 93 against - Farewell to the Forestry Corps, tightening for public managers - Here are the main points of the reform

The Chamber gives the ok to the reform of the Public Administration

Here comes theokay from the House to the reform of the Public Administration. The text presented by the Government and approved in first reading by the Senate also received the go-ahead from the Montecitorio hall with 253 votes in favor and 93 against. The reform will bring many innovations in the public administration by trying to introduce some merit assessments within the PAs. The latest changes introduced in the text come from two amendments, one by the 5 Star Movement and the other by the Democratic Party. From Beppe Grillo's Movement comes theamendment relating to the stop to all those executives who have been condemned by the Court of Auditors for tax damage. The amendment, presented by Riccardo Nuti, provides for the hypothesis of revocation of the office even in the presence of a conviction, even if not definitive. The second one amendment, the one presented by the Pd and in particular by the honorable Marco Meloni, approved at the photo finish by Montecitorio concerns the suppression of the requirement of the minimum degree mark for participation in competitions for access to jobs in public administrations.

What changes with the Madia reform on the Public Administration?

The squeeze on executives is coming
One of the most important provisions is that relating to the squeeze on executives who can be fired in cases where they will be evaluated negatively. However, the PA manager can request to be demoted to avoid dismissal. Furthermore, the new reform eliminates the appointments for life. There will be three types of managers: state, regional and local authorities. Access to the three roles of public management will be allowed by competition-course or by competition, with the possession of a qualification not lower than a master's degree. Furthermore, the appointments of the executives will have a four-year term, with the possibility of renewal for a further two years without a public procedure as long as it is justified and in the face of a positive evaluation. On the redundancy front, the reform provides that when a disciplinary action is triggered, it will no longer be possible to conclude everything with nothing done, the practice must be completed without excluding the dismissal. As for the dispute on article 18, the reinstatement would remain.

Reorganization of the police forces
With the reform of the PA the State Forestry Corps will disappear which will probably be merged with the carabinieri. The reform provides for an overall reorganization of all the forces of order.

Only virtuous investees remain
The Madia reform provides for severe measures for all those companies that manage public services poorly. There is a maximum of 'reds' after which the liquidation. It also opens to the commissioner. We are moving towards a halving of the chambers of commerce. 

The number of prefectures decreases which could also be halved. There will be a clean sweep of duplication of offices between ministries and the Authority.

comes the Freedom Of Information Act through which anyone has the right to access, even via the web, documents and data of the Public Administration so as to make possible a 360-degree control also on the use of public resources. Remaining on the digital theme, the reform also provides for the arrival of the 'digital citizenship charter', with the Government delegated to define the minimum quality level of online services. An ad hoc manager will take care of guiding the digital turnaround.

Single number for emergencies
There will be one number for all emergencies. Just call the 112 to ask for help in any circumstance. The idea is to create regional power stations which, by collecting the request, are able to forward it to the service concerned.
A single car booklet.

The Pra returns to the Ministry of Transport
It opens to the transfer of the Public Vehicle Registry (Pra), governed by ACI, to the Ministry of Transport, which heads Motorization. In fact, we are moving towards a single database for circulation and ownership, with a single booklet.
