
The bike breaks all sales records in 2021. The EU prepares a large-scale strategy for two wheels

The bicycle industry is growing in turnover and employment. The European Commission prepares a plan for more cycle lanes and incentives for the use of two wheels.

The bike breaks all sales records in 2021. The EU prepares a large-scale strategy for two wheels

Municipalities, citizens, industry: these are the three main actors for a new mobility by bicycle. The EU Commission is developing a strategy shared by governments for greater use of two wheels The news comes together with that of Conebi, the European Bike Industry Confederation, welcoming 2021 as record year of sales. In 12 months, the bicycle industry had a turnover of 19,7 billion euros, with a +7,5% on 2020. The Commission, in the logic of reducing energy consumption, hopes that "a green Europe is a cycling Europe she said Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson. There is enormous potential in our countries for climate change mitigation and for the EU's energy independence. If this is related to the promotion of cycling we will have made tremendous progress. After all, for the citizens - real or aspiring cyclists - it is a low-cost alternative to improve the air quality in urban areas and save on fuel. And it is in this sense that the Municipalities must prepare more cycle paths, organize routes, encourage people to move without cars or motorbikes. Italy has the primacy in construction but has to recover positions on use.

The bicycle at the center of urban mobility plans

The strategy is being developed together with new rules for investments in the trans-European transport network. There is already talk of the obligation for each city ​​with more than 100 inhabitants to prepare a bike plan by 2025. The goal would be to double the kilometers of cycle paths”, bringing them to 5 by 2030. Obviously there is also space for electric bikes. And in this regard, the EU Commission would also like to revise the directive on energy performance in buildings by providing recharging points for pedal-assisted bicycles, dedicated spaces and parking Finally, the role of industry. European manufacturers should converge on a more compact system. In the logic of the EU's strategic autonomy, the bicycle industry should start with the production of frames. Today most of them come from Asia, as well as batteries. A technological challenge must also be faced in order to put into production durable and more recyclable components. There are also good forecasts of mobility that can lead to savings of five million tons of oil“.

In 2021, total investments in the sector amounted to 1,75 billion euros, an increase of 17% on the previous year with a growth of 9500 jobs. Paolo Magri, president of Confindustria Ancma he says that "the data confirm that profound transformations are underway, for which a more complete awareness is also necessary on the part of the institutions". On the one hand there is a strong demand that deserves to be enhanced through cycle infrastructure and a renewed logic of incentives for use, while on the other we are witnessing the evolution of industrial, economic and production paradigms which must be taken into account for make the most of the opportunities.” An all-country strategy could work.”
