
Juncker: "I have faith in the Renzi government"

"I gave Italy more time and in many countries I was heavily criticized for this because many would have liked me to apply the Stability Pact to the letter and with severity," the president of the EU Commission told Sky Tg24.

Juncker: "I have faith in the Renzi government"

“What we have done in this Commission towards France and Italy, giving them more time since they had difficulty in getting things right within the deadlines set, is a sign of confidence. When a government writes to me that it will carry out structural reforms, I believe it. So yes, I have faith in the Renzi government". So the president of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, interviewed by Sky Tg24.

Speaking of the stability bill, Juncker claimed that the Commission “has given Italy more time and in many countries I have been heavily criticized for this because many would have wanted me to apply the Stability Pact strictly and to the letter. I didn't want to do it and I didn't want to dictate to the Italian Government and Parliament what they should have done, but I asked the Italian Government to put in black and white on a letter what it would have done".
