
Jobs act, first yes in the Senate: the text in the Chamber on Tuesday

The Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti, admits that the hypothesis of asking the question of trust on the reform at Palazzo Madama remains in the field.

Jobs act, first yes in the Senate: the text in the Chamber on Tuesday

The Jobs act was given the go-ahead today by the Senate Labor Committee without any changes to the text approved in the House. In fact, all the amendments presented were rejected. The provision will arrive in the Chamber from next Tuesday at 17 pm the Democratic Party is still divided on the main innovations introduced by the bill.

The Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti, admits that the possibility of asking the question of confidence in the reform at Palazzo Madama remains in the field: “It hasn't been decided yet. I know they defined the calendar. Now we would like to quickly consult, then they will decide and we will see”.

Meanwhile, the CGIL continues to protest: “We will use all the tools at our disposal to ensure that the provisions of the Jobs Act do not go into effect. As long as there are no implementing decrees, everything is still in progress, what we have said and reiterate is that we will continue our initiative because we think that those rules are not good, they do not solve the problems of the world of work".
