
Jobs act, the latest decrees are coming: simplifications, shock absorbers and inspections. Here's the news

The last 4 implementing decrees of the Jobs act are expected on Friday, in the context of the Council of Ministers scheduled for tomorrow morning. The missing pieces to the labor reform concern new active policies, the reorganization of social safety nets, the simplification of employment relationships and the creation of the single agency for inspections

Jobs act, the latest decrees are coming: simplifications, shock absorbers and inspections. Here's the news

There are four missing pieces to the labor reform, now known as the Jobs act. Tomorrow morning, the Council of Ministers will discuss the last 4 missing implementing decrees, those expected in August and then postponed until after the summer. So tomorrow could be the last stage of a long journey towards the labor reform put in place by the Renzi government with the aim of reviving the Italian labor market. 

Among the incoming measures, one concerns the simplifications in the context of employment relationships. The main changes should be linked to the discipline relating to the right to work of the disabled, the maintenance of the consolidated employment register, safety at work, resignation procedures, equal opportunities, maritime work, mandatory communications and other simplifications relating to the relationship between employee, employer and supervisory bodies.

The central theme of tomorrow's CDM will be the reorganization of social safety nets. The implementing decree will have to review the ordinary, earnings and extraordinary redundancy fund profile. The new provisions will be brought together in a single text which replaces the previous regulations and intends to simplify the general regulation of social safety nets. The redundancy fund will be lowered to 24 months, or 36 in the presence of solidarity contracts, within a rolling five-year period. The shock absorbers are extended, but with a contribution principle based on use with an additional contribution between 9% and 15% of the salary.

Important news also regarding active employment policies. Tomorrow's Council of Ministers should issue a text with "rules aimed at identifying the subjects who make up the network of services for employment policies". It should arrive within the next year to create aNational agency for active employment policies. We then move on "to the definition of the principles common to active policies (which envisage, among other things, the introduction of the redeployment allowance) and to the reorganization of employment incentives".

Finally, tomorrow the subject of the toughest controversies between the government and the unions will also be discussed: remote controls on employees through technological tools. The text concerns the rationalization and simplification of the inspection activity, with the establishment of a single agency for labor inspections, which integrates the inspection services of the Ministry of Labour, INPS and Inail into a single structure. But the sore point is represented by the remote controls of the workers and the amendment of Article 4 of the Workers' Statute. According to the latest indications, the government seems intent on maintaining the "hard" version of the decree it envisages the use of information obtained from GPS and cameras for disciplinary purposes, after informing the worker and in respect of privacy. But Cesare Damiano's proposal which excludes the use of data collected through cameras will also be under discussion. 
