
Jobs act: Parliament accelerates, Pd divided but no trust

All opposition amendments rejected – Between today and tomorrow the go-ahead from the Chamber, then the text will return to the Senate, where the final ok is expected by December 9 – The Pd branch has 31 deputies.

Jobs act: Parliament accelerates, Pd divided but no trust

Parliament accelerates on the Jobs act and the Pd minority continues to oppose it. The numbers, however, are not under discussion in the Chamber, where the majority is large, and the Government does not intend to raise the question of confidence in the measure. 

Voting on the amendments to the text resumed this morning in the Montecitorio Chamber: yesterday all the proposed modifications had been rejected and the vote on a final amendment was still missing, which was rejected. Now we move on to examining about sixty agendas, then the Assembly will vote for the green light for the reform. The approval should arrive tomorrow, but, according to the president of the Labor Commission Cesare Damiano (Pd), it could also close this evening.

The delegation on work will then return to the Senate for the definitive ok, which - according to what was announced in recent days by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi - should not arrive later than December 9, to ensure that some delegated decrees can be passed already by the end of the year .

“Contrary to the predictions of some prophets of doom, not only have we profoundly changed the delegation on work with 37 amendments, but we have also avoided trust in the Chamber,” Damiano said yesterday. Even the Undersecretary of Labour, Teresa Bellanova, confirmed that the government majority "does not need to rely on the Jobs Act to hold up".

The Democratic Party, however, will not present itself cohesively in the final vote: "I and 30 other parliamentarians will not vote in favor of the Jobs act", announced last night Pippo Civati, a guest at Piazzapulita on La7. Another exponent of the Pd minority, Stefano Fassina, communicated that he had "signed, together with 17 other colleagues, the amendment of the deputy of the Left and Freedom Giorgio Airaudo". The proposed modification, which envisaged the application of article 18 also to newly hired people with contracts with increasing protections "after one year from the date of hiring", was rejected by the Deputies Chamber.
