Work: CDP selects 50 young people to hire

It's called the “Graduate Talent Program” and it's an initiative launched by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to hire up to 50 recent graduates and undergraduates in the coming months.

The selection process is particularly challenging. CDP explains that "competitors will be asked to demonstrate their skills through a series of activities: business games, video interviews and assessment days".

In the end, those selected will be able to "start a professional development path aimed at increasing transversal, technical-specialist and organizational skills in the main sectors that promote the country's economic development: businesses, infrastructure, international cooperation, finance and other corporate functions". can still be read in the note from the Cassa.

"With the Graduate Talent Program we aim to enrich our team of young talents eager to engage in the work that CDP carries out every day in support of the country's economic growth and sustainable development - said CDP CEO Fabrizio Palermo - The initiative it is part of the broader strategy of defining a new operating model which aims at further strengthening the group's skills and at organizational simplification, as envisaged in the new business plan”.

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